Sunday 29 April 2007


Sunday 25th March '07. I don’t want to know. Probably about 40 stone by now.

The other day I went out to see a friend and his band play guitar in a pub after uni. Knowing this in advance, I wore a low cut brown dress over jeans and trainers and shoved some accessories in my pocket for later. During the day, stripped of all jewellery and with my hair tied up I chatted to a (male) friend in the workshop. Before going out that evening I donned some long beads, earrings and a hairband and re-applied my make-up in the loos at uni. When I got to the pub my friend looked at me in surprise. “Have you been wearing that all day?” he asked, clearly puzzled.

When I had read in magazines about the awesome power of accessories I had always laughed to myself. As if anyone would be fooled into thinking you were wearing a different outfit purely because you’d changed your necklace. But it would appear that it really does work. Letting you hair down and putting jewellery on really does change your entire look. I have never been all that interested in accessories before. I could never justify buying them, and they all seemed so pointless but now I’m not so sure. I have always just done the opposite of the given advice; I wear the same jewellery every day and just change my clothes.

The new version of Northhanger Abbey is on tonight. My god I want to live in a Jane Austen novel. Now there are some flattering clothes for you: in under the bust and then poof! And so very, very pretty. Crinolines are another fantastic invention; “No, I haven’t got a huge arse, it’s just the dress.” I have to go corset shopping this week actually. Can’t wait. It’s a cruel twist of fate that the only clothes that really thoroughly suit me are only suitable for the eighteenth century. Or possibly porn movies. Now, if you will excuse me. I have an important appointment with some ice cream…

1 comment:

Franklin D. Roosevelt said...

Its amazing what we think will make us happy. Is there actually a size/weight that a woman feels ‘perfect’ at?

I my self am reasonably thin (size 10 uk) weighing 8 stone, this is in the ideal height to weight ratio for health. That said id be lying to say I don’t sometimes see the benefit of being thinner still. The rational half of my brain tells me that its skinny not scrawny that’s attractive but there’s always a tiny lil’ part of me that wakes up feeling fat.

Being tiny I’m also pretty well flat chested (think peas on an ironing board), which always makes me feel like I need to be more boney Kate Moss / Kera Knightly style to justify my lack of womanly attributes.

Thankfully it’s the sensible part of my brain that controls me, it knows I don’t have enough cash for all those extra jumpers id have to buy to keep warm.