Wednesday 5 March 2008


Wednesday 5th March - 4 Days till Vogue.

Nice to see the spirit of equality alive and well on the streets of Birmingham. Last night I went for an impromptu dinner with two friends. In the taxi on the way home I mentioned this fact to the taxi driver while making small talk. To this he replied “Ah well that’ll be because you young women can’t cook these days”, and proceeded to embark upon a tirade that was to last the entire way home. The subject of this lecture was ‘Women – why they are evil and should get back in the kitchen where they belong.’

He told me that no young women that he knew of could cook properly and actually used the words “If I put you in the kitchen you would make a terrible wife because you can’t cook.” (Bear in mind at this point that all I had said so far was that I had been out for dinner) He continued his discourse with “How can you people expect your poor husbands to go out to work all day and come home to find there is no dinner on the table? It’s disgusting.” He then told me that lots of his friends’ marriages had broken up solely, yes solely because the wife was a terrible cook, and that all women should be taught how to cook in school.

I did try to argue, but in the end I just sat back and let him get on with it until we arrived home. When a person has opinions like that I suspect there is little a silly little girl like me could do to change his mind, what with my head being all filled up with fluff and nail varnish and the like. He did however give me a discount off the taxi fare because I had said somewhat defensively and a little unwisely, that I could in fact cook.


Anonymous said...

What a charmer. Gotta love Brummie taxi drivers!

Well done on the discount tho - that's never happened to me. Maybe I should stop flirting and take 'em baked goods instead...

I really love the illustrations you use - where do you find them?

Zombie said...

I find a fresh basket of muffins usually does the trick.

Hours and hours on google image search I'm afraid. I do have lots of books of cool pics actually, but I rarely use them. Thank god for google!

Going home tomorrow - yay!

Shroom Monkey said...

mmmmm this does go against the grain, but yeah we should know how to cook, not the in sense of the prehistoric mentality of your driver.. but in a realistic everyday life sorta way...

everyone should know how to cook, it is essential in life, husband or not, kids or not... one should be able to cook... I don't oppose to home economics class.. I love cooking, I am not an original creative cook, but the master of following a recipe with success...

My ex husband the beast that he was, was of that thought and demanded his dinner be coming out of the oven as he walked through the door, all things done at once, all hot and ready for his eating, not 5 min before or after, precisely as he walked through the door, not surpisingly I hated him for that... but now, with him long gone, and a state away, I pride myself on that ability now... I just don't like being told to do it...